Sunday, January 10, 2010

Life's Good With DaVinci the Genius

First of all. I would Thanks to LG Blog to giving me a chance to having this experience to go thought this DaVinci the Genius Exhibition. LG Blog gave me a pair of tickets which worth RM25 each! (For more info, please go to LG Blog!). This exhibition is start from 1 Oct 2009 until 17 January 2010.


This exhibition held at Pusat Sains Negara (National Science Centre, Bukit Kiara). It open Saturday to Thursday (9.00 am - 5.00 pm) ,entry not later than 4.00 pm and close every Friday. Info line: 03-20921150 / 03-74933010

Untitled Map

I reach there around 2.00pm.

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This is the main door of Pusat Sains Negara (Like a machine hand). After entering the Pusat Sains Negara. It have a large aquarium. You can take as many picture as you can, because after walk into the exhibition. You can’t take any picture inside. The DaVinci The Genius exhibition is at the level 2 of Pusat Sains Negara.


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Who was Leonardo Da Vinci?

He had a keen eye and quick mind that led him to make important scientific discoveries, yet he never published his ideas.

He was a gentle vegetarian who loved animals and despised war, yet he worked as a military engineer to invent advanced and deadly weapons.

He was one of the greatest painters of the Italian Renaissance, yet he left only a handful of completed paintings.


Da Vinci the Genius Exhibition


Direct from Italy, this world acclaimed exhibition from the 2 Genio de Leonardo DaVinci Musceo brings to life Leonardo’s genius as an inventor, artist, scientist, anatomist, engineer and architect.

Now also including the new and revealing Secrets of Mona Lisa exhibit from Paris, Da Vinci – The Genius is the most comprehensive exhibition ever assembled on the greatest mind that ever lived. An amazing experience and inspiration for the whole family.

Mona Lisa Secrets Revealed


What lies beneath the famous painting? discover how the Mona Lisa originally looked as Pascal Cotte, using revolutionary photographic technology in an amazing gallery display of super size and high resolution prints, peels way the years to reveal what lies beneath the patina of age on this famous lady.


Mona Lisa mysteries 071018-monalisa-eye-02

A zoomed-in image of Mona Lisa's left eye revealed a single brush stroke in the eyebrow region, Cotte said.

"I am an engineer and scientist, so for me all has to be logical. It was not logical that Mona Lisa does not have any eyebrows or eyelashes," Cotte told LiveScience. "I discovered one hair of the eyebrow."

Another conundrum had been the position of the subject's right arm, which lies across her stomach. This was the first time, Cotte said, that a painter had rendered a subject's arm and wrist in such a position. While other artists had never understood da Vinci's reasoning, they copied it nonetheless.

Cotte discovered the pigment just behind the right wrist matched up perfectly with that of the painted cover that drapes across Mona Lisa's knee. So it did make sense: The forearm and wrist held up one side of a blanket.

"The wrist of the right hand is up high on the stomach. But if you look deeply in the infrared you understand that she holds a cover with her wrist," Cotte said.

Behind a painting 071018-mona-lisa-02

The infrared images also revealed da Vinci's preparatory drawings that lie behind layers of varnish and paint, showing that the Renaissance man was also human.

"If you look at the left hand you see the first position of the finger, and he changed his mind for another position," Cotte said. "Even Leonardo da Vinci had hesitation."

Other revelations include:

•Lace on Mona Lisa's dress
•The transparency of the veil shows da Vinci first painted a landscape and then used transparency techniques to paint the veil atop it.
•A change in the position of the left index and middle finger.
•The elbow was repaired from damage due to a rock thrown at the painting in 1956.
•The blanket covering Mona Lisa's knees also covers her stomach.
•The left finger was not completely finished.
•A blotch mark on the corner of the eye and chin are varnish accidents, countering claims that Mona Lisa was sick.
•And the Mona Lisa was painted on uncut poplar board, contrary to speculations.
In the larger picture, Cotte said when he stands back and looks up at the enlarged infrared image of Mona Lisa, her beauty and mystique are apparent.

"If you are in front of this huge enlargement of Mona Lisa, you understand instantly why Mona Lisa is so famous," Cotte said. He added, it's something you have to see with your own eyes.


Father Of Flight


The dream of human flight was already in the  mind of engineers and inventors in the 15th century, But Leonardo DaVinci was the first to look at the science of flight. What theories did Leonardo DaVinci analyze and thereafter sketch in his notebooks that helped in the invention of gliders, aero planes, helicopters and parachutes?

DREAM OR REALITY: Did Da Vinci Fly?120204leosmodel500x363

Most people with any knowledge or interest in early attempts at human-powered flight are familiar with the works of Leonardo Da Vinci and His Flying Machines, the famous fifteenth century renaissance artist and inventor. The question arises though, did the Da Vinci machines actually work, that is, fly successfully approximately four-hundred years before anybody else was able to accomplish the task? That is a question that has been debated for decades. There is no clear hard-core evidence that specifically states yes, however, if one goes over the material by Leonardo and his contemporaries one can cull out some rather interesting facts that attest to the fact that YES his machines did work and Leonardo did fly.test

Glider with maneuverable tips leobat

Sensing the difficulties involved in accomplishing the great dream of flying with human-powered machines, Leonardo started to study gliding flight more thoroughly. In the glider designed by him, the flier's position is conceived in such a way as to allow him to balance himself by adequately moving the lower part of his body. The wings, an imitation of the wings of bats and of large birds, are fixed in their innermost section (closest to the person) and mobile in their outer section. The latter in fact can be flexed by the flier by means of a control cable maneuvered through handles. Leonardo had developed this solution after having studied the structure of birds' wings and having observed that the inner part of their wings moved more slowly than the outer part and that, therefore, the function of this part was to sustain rather than to push forward.


 Anatomical Studies 


Leonardo DaVinci saw the body as a wonderful, range of movements. His notebooks included many drawings showing the mechanical principles underpinning human movement.

Anatomical study of the arm

411px-Studies_of_the_Arm_showing_the_Movements_made_by_the_BicepsLeonardo's formal training in the anatomy of the human body began with his apprenticeship to Andrea del Verrocchio, his teacher insisting that all his pupils learn anatomy. As an artist, he quickly became master of topographic anatomy, drawing many studies of muscles, tendons and other visible anatomical features.

As a successful artist, he was given permission to dissect human corpses at the Hospital of Santa Maria Nuova in Florence and later at hospitals in Milan and Rome. From 1510 to 1511 he collaborated in his studies with the doctor Marcantonio della Torre and together they prepared a theoretical work on anatomy for which Leonardo made more than 200 drawings. It was published only in 1680 (161 years after his death) under the heading Treatise on painting.

Leonardo drew many studies of the human skeleton and its parts, as well as muscles and sinews, the heart and vascular system, the sex organs, and other internal organs. He made one of the first scientific drawings of a fetus in utero. As an artist, Leonardo closely observed and recorded the effects of age and of human emotion on the physiology, studying in particular the effects of rage. He also drew many figures who had significant facial deformities or signs of illness.

He also studied and drew the anatomy of many other animals as well, dissecting cows, birds, monkeys, bears, and frogs, and comparing in his drawings their anatomical structure with that of humans. He also made a number of studies of horses. 

The other creation of DaVinci


Helicopter of Da Vinci


Tank of Da Vinci


Inside the exhibition, have many LG LCD TV are playing the video of Leonardo DaVinci. It also has a room playing DaVinci's life and works of Leonardo DaVinci. It can make it easier for you to understand his creation and his creation of what.


This exhibition really is a good experience for me. For those not yet go to this exhibition, please go and visit once. It is really worth to go. It held until 17 January 2010 only.

The Admission Charge

Child (7-17) : RM20.00
Adult (18-55) : RM25.00
Family (2 Adult + 2 Child) : RM70.00
Senior Citizen (55 above) : RM13.00

Again, thanks to LG Blog to giving me a great chance to visit this excellent exhibition. LG Blog is really a good blog!! Please visit :

Life’s Good with DaVinci the Genius


LG is not only giving me a pair of DaVinci the Genius tickets. Also got a RM10 Starbuck Voucher!!! And i bought a Green Tea Latte!


Yes. As i said above. LG is great!!! They are not giving me a great chance to visit Da Vinci the Genius Exhibition. They also giving 22 chosen bloggers (Including me) a chance to win a brand new LG Crystal GD900!!


OMG!!! ~~~ It is my DREAM phone!!! See the Specification :


Wao!! It just available on July 2009! Now! Let see the LG GD900 Crystal official video!

Once again! Thanks to LG!!!
Hey, guys! What are you waiting for??? Starting subscribe LG Blog and check it out everyday!!!

Life’s Good with DaVinci the Genius


  1. Yes, it is really inspirational. I went with my son on 16/1/10.
    It is really good. I heard that the Exhibition is now in Taipei, Taiwan. Cheers and do keep in touch!

  2. Irene : Ya. The exhibition really nice and i did learn many at that exhibition.

  3. wow.. the exhibition is really cool!

    i only know he drew mona lisa! =P

  4. Kenwooi : ya.. before i went to this exhibition. I'm exactly same with you.

  5. It have a large aquarium. You can take as many picture as you can, because after walk into the exhibition.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ya. There have a large aquarium there. I did take many picture at there. I also got post 2 picture in the post. ^.^
